Friday, April 30, 2010
Employee Of The Month
April has been a busy month at Anastasia's Attic. Two of our wonderful ladies were on a fantastic vacation in Brasil and another is working her other job for a few months taking time off from us. Not only did and still do miss our ladies but it also left a whole lot of schedule to fill.
That brings me to........ "Employee Of The Month"
Liz Edmiston!
I am not sure where to start. Liz is not only beautiful, sweet, kind and loving. She is also
a wonderful mother, wife, daughter and friend. Her talents are so many I can't number them.
She has a very generous and giving heart. She is always thinking of ways to reach out and help another.
She is fun to be around and has a very calming way about her. She is always ready to jump in and lend
a hand where ever she is needed.
Liz was such a BIG help this month. She worked whatever hours we asked of her, never complaining.
She even surprised me one day and came by and told me to leave for 2 hours and she would work
for me while letting me stay on the clock. It was just what I needed and gave me a couple of hours to regroup and get some errands done. If she would have given me a sack of diamonds it would not have
been more valuble.
We are so glad Liz is a part of our Anastasia's Attic family, and from what I have been hearing so are our customers. Look at that smile. Who wouldn't want to be greeted by that.
Thank you sooooo much Liz for always bringing the best part of you to share with us.
We love you!!
Hope you like you beautiful Anne Koplik earrings. She is my favorite designer and I thought you might like them.
Thanks again for being such a wonderful part of our lives!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Happy Birthday Olivia
Happy Birthday Olivia or as I like to call you...
"Little Bit". We hope you are having a wonderful
birthday in Brasil. We miss you and can't wait to hear
all the stories that come with a fabulous trip like that!
With love from your Anastasia's Attic Family,
Tara, Cricket, April, Liz, Sharon and Wendy!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Be the Beauty Project for April!
Last month Anastasia's Attic launched our charity program, Be the Beauty, with a drive to collect hygiene kits for earthquake victims in Haiti and Chile. Thank you so much to all you who brought in your donations! These hygiene kits will make a great difference in the lives of people who have lost so much.
This month, our Be the Beauty project will add joy and beauty to the lives of children halfway across the world! We are excited to partner with One Heart Bulgaria, a non-profit humanitarian organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for Bulgarian orphans.
Throughout the month of April, we will be collecting art supplies for the children in these orphanages. Examples of needed supplies are: crayons, children's scissors, washable markers, glue sticks and clear tape. (Please no paints.) You may bring your donations to Anastasia's Attic anytime during operating hours (Mon-Thur 10-6, Fri-Sat 10-8, Closed Sunday.)
As a reminder, when you bring your donation for the Be the Beauty program, you will receive a special Thank You from Anastasia's Attic in the form of a special, non- expiring coupon for 30% off any regular price, in-stock item!
For more information about One Heart Bulgaria, you can visit their website You can also check out the current issue of Wasatch Women, featuring Debra Dushku Gardner, the co-founder and president of One Heart Bulgaria at
Thank you all so much for taking the time to Be the Beauty!
We can make a difference!
We will make a difference!
April Giveaway: $50 Anastasia's Attic Gift Card!!!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Winner of March's Spring Basket Giveaway